Corporate Presentations
Corporate Presentations are 90 minutes.
Creating good energy in the workplace lends itself to happier employees working together as a team. Focus and productivity go hand in hand to create the enhancement of harmony. By addressing the individual needs of employees, or the needs of the employees as a group, the workplace atmosphere becomes happier, lighter, and a place where everyone feels comfortable and productive. EFT can be used as an amazing “go to” practice when conflicts or dis-ease presents itself. At close, a Group Meditation will be experienced.
A meeting with the CEO or designated decision-maker is set in place to determine the specific topics to be covered in this Corporate Presentation. Topics are determined based on the perceived needs of the employees conveyed to me by the CEO or designated individual.
In a Corporate Setting Employees Will:
- Learn the basic ‘Tapping Points,’ (Meridian Endpoints) and leave knowing how to utilize EFT for themselves.
- Three rounds of interactive “Tapping” will be experienced. Participants are urged to work on an issue that has been occupying their focus, one that is causing “Stress, Anxiety or Tension,” or, an issue on the specific topic(s) planned.
- Instructional Guideline Handouts will be distributed and reviewed.
- Q&A
- Group Meditation will be demonstrated and experienced. Understanding the advantages of utilizing these techniques together, is a valuable tool when striving for optimal emotional health.
Issues Addressed
Increasing Sales
Deadline Pressures
Disharmony Amongst Colleagues