What our clients are saying...
Prior to working with Diane, I had done a little bit of EFT in groups and read a bit about it. I did not feel much effect by it. Diane inspired me to do EFT for myself, and then I had 3 sessions with her which were so powerful. The circumstance of the session I… Read more “”
Working with Diane was like peeling layers of an emotional onion. She would first bring me to a very relaxed state, allowing me to see a certain feeling or belief that was present for me in that moment. As we started tapping there was not only a release but also a deeper understanding of where… Read more “”
My daughter has been afraid to stay home alone at night since she was young. I thought she would grow out of it but at 15 she still did not want to be left home by herself. If her brother or a friend was over she was fine but without company, I could not leave… Read more “”
I live in Colorado, so Diane and I meet via Skype. She is very knowledgeable and highly intuitive. She has the talent of getting to the heart of what I am dealing with, and knowing how to tap it out. She perseveres until I feel results, however stuck I had felt at the beginning of… Read more “”
I wanted to share my experience having Diane Gordon be kind enough to teach my patients a workshop on Emotional Freedom Techniques, commonly known as “Tapping”. Diane brings an obvious passion and joy to everyone she interacts with at her workshops given in my office as both participant and observer. Diane was very learned and… Read more “”
Dear Diane, I was suffering from a severe headache… a painful, pounding and debilitating one that was going on 6 hours. I couldn’t fall sleep. I’m not taking Advil or other medication because I’m doing NRT, and I just didn’t know what else to do except ride it out. Then I remembered the tapping technique… Read more “”
Wow! Thanks so much for our session this morning. Today I had the pleasure of an EFT session with Diane through Skype. We worked on an issue that has followed me from childhood and affected every area of my life. In one hour I released a great deal of sadness and fear. I learned through… Read more “”
I am a nutritionist who has great demands and deadlines. Diane’s EFT technique can be very useful in helping people dealing with anxiety and stress. She did a taping guidance over me via Skype and showed me how to utilize the tapping technique to manage the stress at the time I needed some help. After… Read more “”
Hi Diane, I enjoyed the class I didn’t know anything about tapping before attending. But I wanted to come and find out and see what it was all about. It can be a little intimidating being in a group of people trying to tap into yourself and your issues with other people in the room. But… Read more “”
I have known Diane now for a little over 2 years and find her to be a very warm and caring individual. In presenting her “Tapping” techniques to ADRC, Alzheimers Resource Disease Center in Bay Shore NY to families, individually, and in group seminars, she is very effective and organized. She has a wonderful ability of… Read more “”
I met Diane on a hiking trip and from the moment I met her I knew there was something special about her. Just talking to her made me feel so calm and relaxed and when I learned about the holistic services she provided, I knew I had to sign up. Diane provides tapping sessions where you… Read more “”
I met you during the tapping class you gave at Dr. Jimenez’s office a few weeks ago. I’m sending you this email to tell you about a recent experience where I was able to use the tapping technique, and to say “thank you” for teaching this. While I haven’t been practicing the technique on a… Read more “”
I was introduced to Diane by a holistic medicine doctor. Diane taught me EFT in a 1 hour session which had an immediate positive effect on my emotional stress and physical pain. My stress/pain level went from a 7 to a 3 within 15 minutes. It was very interesting that my back pain moved from… Read more “”
When a mutual friend suggested I meet Diane Gordon, I was intrigued to know that she is an EFT practitioner. This energy moving methodology, as I imagined, is something anyone could, and maybe even should, learn, and more importantly benefit from. Immediately I set up an appointment, not knowing why I was going. Entering the… Read more “”
I went to an open session at Sachem library that Diane ran. I wanted to try anything. I was having a migraine. For over thirty years I could not plan to go to events and even vacations were ruined by this awful migraine problem. Open mind, body, and soul I was changed. It has now… Read more “”
Diane is a wonderful EFT practitioner and an intuitive healer. I know this because we have “Tapped” with one another on a professional level many times. With her wealth of knowledge in the healing world she will be able to get to the root of any problem very quickly. She is also a very kind… Read more “”