Create a strong sense of mindfulness so you can live in BALANCE.

When we remove doubt of all levels we can make decisions with ease. We can move forward with conviction while keeping our goals at the forefront of our minds.

Changing our inner dialog lends to new confidence where our old belief system which has been running our lives and mind, can be quieted.

Individual Sessions

Work on your issues one-on-one with Diane and experience the amazing self-healing process that will open the door of joy for you.

Group Seminars

Learn the basic “Tapping” points and the ability to utilize EFT for yourself  in three rounds of an interactive “Tapping” session led by Diane.

Corporate Presentations

Creating good energy in the work place lends itself to happier people working together as a team, as well as increased focus and productivity.

Group Circles

Gather the people who are important in your life for a shared experience of learning this powerful healing technique together.

Diane's Story

“We are all the same. ” We are energy
…and once we can get to the root of our issues by finding the core reason we behave as we do, we can eliminate the negative energies we’ve been holding onto. We have the ability to choose, to let go of that which no longer serves us, acknowledging our scars and releasing them. We can heal our bodies emotionally, physically and mentally.





By Appointment
All information kept confidential

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