Wayne W. Dyer, PH. D., 1940-2015 was an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development. He’s the author of more than 30 books, has created many audios, CD, and videos; and has appeared on thousands of television and radio programs. He held a doctorate of education counseling from Wayne State University and was an associate professor at St. John’s University in New York.

One of my personal favorite books is “The Power of Intention.”
“That which is injurious loses the capacity to harm when it is brought into the light, and we attract to us that which we emanate.”
“The lesson is clear in terms of removing lower energy obstacles. We must raise ourselves to the level of energy where we are the light we seek, where we are the happiness we desire, where we are the love that’s missing, where we are the unlimited abundance we crave. By being it, we attract it to us. By condemning its absence, we assure that condemnation and discord will continue to flow into our lives.
If you’re experiencing scarcity, anguish, depression, an absence of love, or any inability to attract what you desire, seriously look at how you are attracting these circumstances into your life. Low energy is an attractor pattern. It shows up because you’ve sent for it, even if on a subconscious level. It’s still yours and you own it. However, if you practice deliberately raising your energy level by being cognizant of your immediate environment, you’ll move rather rapidly toward intention and remove all of those self-imposed roadblocks. The obstacles are in the low-energy spectrum.
My comment:

I believe we have to come to a place of knowing we deserve happiness, abundance and, and the ability to create our path to get what we really want in life. Once we are able to clean house on the things that no longer serve us we are able to move forward with purpose and with excitement, drawing those things into our lives as understood in the concept of “The Law of Attraction.” There are so many ways to raise our energy vibration, and I feel we have to keep practicing what works for us. When we slip, that’s fine, who cares? Usually we are the ones that care the most. And then we start repeating those old tapes: I’m never going to…, I’m not good enough…, I’ll never get to be…, It takes so much to…,I’m not smart enough…. The list can go on and on into infinity. We all slip up; but we sure don’t want to stay there. Sincerely changing the beliefs about our lives and how we look at ourselves is the key. We are all capable of experiencing this monumental change.
Rumi — ‘Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.’ Thank you, Rumi! I begin each day by connecting with my heart, lifting prayers of gratitude, and scheduling the time for meditation. This practice prepares me for my day and gives me the tools I need to change my story. I am a work in progress 🙂 Thank you, Diane! You have shared numerous resources on your website that I am anxious to explore. The photos are lovely. I am currently reading Dr. Joe Dispenza’s book “Becoming Supernatural”. He is an amazing teacher.
Hi Penny, I’m glad you chose Wayne Dyer’s excerpt to comment on! He will surely be missed! A great spiritual teacher who shared his own struggles with all of us! I love what you wrote. Rumi is someone I will feature at some point, He possesses a magical way to be profound and insightful with such ease. I love the way you start your day; what a great practice ritual. I think we all need some kind of ritual that carries us into the morning and hopefully throughout the day! When I awaken, I have made it my practice to say “Thank You.” I say it out loud. It’s simple and that leads me to think about all the people and things I am in gratitude for! Very much like you! We all need to find those fundamental things that can start our day in appreciation. Taking some moments to do that can have great benefits for the spirit. Meditation holds the power to elevate everyone of us. It’s something we can all practice even if you start with 5 minutes a day! I also meditate, and when I am consistent, I can feel the change in my attitude, my patience threshold, and my awareness. Ahhhh. Dr. Joe! “Becoming Supernatural” is his most current book; I also have it on my reading list! (I guess great minds think alike)! Don’t be surprised if you see the book highlighted here soon! And, Thank You for all your accolades; I’m glad that you enjoy this site and I hope you share whenever you have the impulse! (Maybe something about Dr. Joe’s current book that inspires you)!
I know the power of setting good intentions first hand. When my whole being is really behind that intention, it changes my thoughts, the words I use, and the way people perceive me. The belief that we subconsciously attract all the bad things in our lives can be harmful though, because it can lead to blame, guilt, and shame. It’s better to say that our intentions and beliefs can influence how people perceive and react to us.
Hi Krista, I love the way you put that. We are our thoughts; we are what we think, just as we are what we eat. Bad thoughts come into everyone’s consciousness, knowing how to sit with them, change them and do the work is another thing. I like the way you stated your view in the positive, it’s so impactful. I like to say to people please remember…instead of don’t forget!..which one makes you feel better?
Dear Diane,
You have such a fantastic website, and I love your blog! YOU ARE A POWERFUL HEALER! Thank you for sharing your love, wisdom, and expertise with us and the world!